Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's all about looking PRO!

grown man drinking a juice box=PRO

Today was another day in the pain cave.  It was a cold and rainy morning as we left for the hospital at 7:30.  I was 3rd in line for the TT and my motivation was pretty low.  I did some homework in the nurse's lounge while having my espresso. Around 10:30 I was up for the muscle stimulation and the wingate test.  They were both about the same as normal except for looking more PRO in the new Safety Jackets.
wingate w/ Russell in the pain cave
I had my best TT of the study and I was finally happy to have a good ride.  I rode home in 40 degrees and rain and it was awesome.  I took the rest of the weekend off from homework and just hung out for the afternoon.   We made a run to the Carrefour to get supplies (beer) for the WC tomorrow.  After dinner we had a cinema night with a showing of The Stars and the Water Carriers complete with an American spread of snacks.
yes, they really did taste like ketchup and fries

1 comment:

  1. I see Haribos! YUM! Can't believe you didn't get any of the Haribo Fragolas!! Hope you pack some of those in your suitcase for me!
