Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cool shades man! Freak!

The best part of the day is that I scored new glasses just before leaving the hospital today.
newest version of Oakley Safety Jackets
We stopped for espresso on the way home and they had a couch.  I have not sat on anything padded for 7 weeks except for my bed.  It was magical.
cabin decor with modern couches?
The story of the day was one of the subjects riding to Lausanne to buy a bag of green.  It was about a 7 hour trip by the time he showed up for dinner after dark.  Awesome.  The night was finished off with a friendly game of volleyball in the gym.  VO2  #5 and #6 tomorrow.


  1. So is that the only place you can grow hair on your face or is that extra-fancy wild west shaving techniques?

  2. That is careful artwork with a mach 3. The mustache is different color with the darker part on the sides.
